Port Jervis, NY (July 30) – The Republic of Honduras is the second poorest country in Central America.
More than half of the people live in remote areas where there are no decent roads, running water, electricity, toilet facilities, good schools or modern health facilities. And those who live in cities are surrounded by poverty, disease and squalor. This is where Brenda Wolpert, RN and Eileen Braun, RN, who work in the Mental Health Unit at Bon Secours Community Hospital have decided to spend a week of their time sharing their passion to be "Good Help to those in Need."®
From August 15 – 27, Wolpert, her son Benjamin, 16, Eileen Braun and other volunteers will offer medical care, compassion and spiritual guidance for the poor of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, as well as in the mountain villages surrounding the community of San Matias.
This will be Braun's first mission trip sponsored by Love Truth Care Ministries, an organization dedicated to empowering the community through education and health programs. But Wolpert is no stranger to working with the organization's hospital teams in Honduras. This will be her fourth mission.
"In my first visit," she said, "I was amazed at how the people would wait on line all day for our free dental services and never complain. They were so grateful. And I returned so changed by this wonderful experience that many others here at the hospital have asked how they can go."
During a typical mission members of the hospital team will provide free medical services as well as pay visits to a children's cancer ward and a maternity ward where they hand out small gifts and join with the patients in their prayers.
To help cover some of their out of pocket costs, Wolpert and Braun obtained permission from Bon Secours Community Hospital to conduct a "Tricky Tray" Fundraiser. The proceeds were approximately $1,000.
The upcoming trip to Honduras is an example of Bon Secours Community Hospital caregivers wanting to give more. And in spite of the hard work as well as the harsh and sometimes dangerous conditions, Wolpert believes they will return with much more than they gave.
"This is an example of the dedication, compassion and caring nature of our employees here at Bon Secours Charity Health System", stated Clare Brady, Senior Vice President of Bon Secours Charity Health System. "So many of our employees carry our Mission of "Good Help" far beyond the walls of our organization and are an extension of that Mission in their personal lives as well," she continued.
Bon Secours Community Hospital, a member of the Bon Secours Charity Health System, is located at 160 East Main Street in Port Jervis, NY. For additional information call (845) 858–7000 or visit:
About Bon Secours Charity Health System
Every year, nearly one million people in the lower Hudson Valley, New Jersey and Pennsylvania turn to Bon Secours Charity Health System (BSCHS) for innovative healthcare delivered with compassion. BSCHS has received national recognition, rankings and numerous awards for the level of care it provides.
BSCHS is comprised of Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center in Suffern, NY; Bon Secours Community Hospital in Port Jervis, NY; St. Anthony Community Hospital in Warwick, NY; a certified home health agency; two long-term care facilities; an assisted living/adult home facility and several other medical programs located throughout the region. The system employs more than 3,400, making it one of the region's largest employers
Bon Secours Medical Group is BSCHS's regional network of nearly 80 primary care physicians and specialists from a broad array of medical disciplines. These skilled clinicians play a central role in bringing personalized, preventive and expert care to people from every stage of life.
BSCHS is a member of the Bon Secours Health System—a national Catholic healthcare system with a strong reputation and robust commitment to bringing compassionate healthcare to those in need. For more information, visit
www.BSCHS.BonSecours.com. For a complete list of practitioners, visit

1. Brenda Wolpert, RN

2. On a previous visit, Brenda Wolpert, RN, shares a light moment with a mom and her baby during a mission to Honduras.